Monday, August 21, 2017

This is the day of new beginnings

The Solar eclipse is like a new moon but stronger and this means "new beginnings". The Sun is the ruler of Leo so this adds to the strength of the eclipse, meaning, regardless of your sign, you will feel some type of effect.  I won't say drastic change but I will say a noticeable difference. Although it really depends on your individual chart, I believe there will be a lot of positivity. The sun is bright and warm and it tends to bring life.

 Eclipse by the signs and the house it will affect, both direct and opposite signs.  You should read these for your Sun and Rising sign(if known).

Aries/Libra                  5th/11th house  

5th house is Romantic partner, children and creative ideas or projects. 11th hopes, dreams and wishes, groups, companies friends and organizations.  So this has so do with new beginnings with your romantic partner or children involved in some group, company or organization or just being in front of a big audience or dealing with a lot of friends at this time.  Maybe a new situation were your romantic partner or children will be following their hopes dreams and wishes at this time.  It could also be a good time for you to start a new creative project or hobby.

Taurus/Scorpio                 4th/10th house

4th house is home, family property, foundation, and 10th house is ambition goals authority figures, the public, government and banking.  So this has to do with something new around your home like renovating or the process of  getting a new home. Because 10th house is ambition and goals, you maybe having to deal with authority figures or the banks for some reason.  Maybe a new addition to the family or someone moving in or a new direction in your career.

Gemini/Sagittarius                3rd/9th house

3rd house is all about communications, transportation and social activity, community, siblings and 9th house is different cultures, religion, publishing, long distance travel, law, education and internet.  So this has to do with some new beginning around your community and social circle maybe going to school or being socially active in some new community.  New places to go on your short day trips or long trips. Talking and networking more with new people about culture or religion. Maybe starting an internet show or taking some classes. Specifically for Gemini, you could be getting a new vehicle or making new changes to a vehicle you already have.

Cancer/Capricorn                2nd/8th house

2nd house is the money you earn or your self-worth and hidden talents and 8th house is change transitions, money from resources other than what you earn, like, inheritance, insurance, investments. So this has to do with a new beginning in the way you earn money like a new job or creative new way of earning money maybe from a hidden talent.  You may be just learning your worth your value in the job market or elsewhere.  This could also be some new transition or change in your life.  You may feel like it’s a rebirth in your life.

Leo/Aquarius                      1st/7th house

1st house is all about self, anything about you, emotionally, mentally, physically, spiritually, your ego and 7th house is about other people, relationships and open contracts. This has to do with new beginnings about self, you may make a change in your physical appearance or spiritually or some other way and it could be someone assisting you in making this change whether it is a business relationship or contract. Any type of relationship business, spouse, friend whatever or you could be renewing or making a new contract with someone whether it is marriage or signing for something new.

Virgo/Pisces                   12th/6th house

12th house is things in the past, spirituality, secrets, institutions, metaphysical and 6th house has to do with work health and daily routine so this may be where you are preparing for some new beginning.  Trying to clear or clean up some situations from the past once and for all. You don't want any of the past issues or habits to follow you so you are trying to bring closure and it may be around the job or you could be working on your health to prepare a new you for some new opportunities that you feel are coming up and you want to be ready.  You are trying to shed your bad habits and past issues so that you can have a clean slate when your new opportunity comes.

Libra/Aries                   11th/5th house

11th house is hopes dreams and wishes, groups organizations and companies and the 5th house is romantic partner children and creative projects an ideas so this mean some new beginnings around romantic partner and children. Maybe a new child or hopes for your romantic partner to take it to another level like a marriage.  It could be hopes for a new job or some new hobby or project or job that will put you in front of a big group of people.

Scorpio/Taurus               10th/4th house

10th house is the public house, its goals ambitions, authority figures, banks and government and 4th house is your home, family, property, foundation, tribe.  There may be a new career beginning for you or something you may be ambitious about. It has to do with authority figures, banks or government or it may take you into the public eye it may bring some new changes around your home environment. Maybe even a move. It could be a new situation with real estate property and banks with the 4th and 10th.

Sagittarius/Gemini           9th/3rd house

9th house is long distance travel, internet, different cultures, publishing, law, education, spirituality an 3rd house is community, communications, siblings, vehicles, transportation and short distance travel. This could be a new beginning for you as far a travel You may be exploring or going new places, or learning something new about a culture, meeting someone from a different culture and becoming friends, publishing a new book or starting up a new internet show or taking a class...maybe some legal situation will arise or just becoming more in tune spiritually maybe communicating with like-minded people and talking to siblings more, communicating more with people in the community.

Capricorn/Cancer            8th/2nd house

8th house is resources from others, taxes, debt, inheritance, insurance, any type of resource other than the money you earn from work also transformation and change, rebirth regeneration and 2nd house is the money you earn from work or your values, self-worth and hidden talent.  This maybe some new beginning in the money you receive, you could be using your hidden talents to receive money from other resources, not from your job.  You may be learning your value and your worth right now from a new hidden talent or a talent found from the new change and transformation process that you are going through.  You are regenerating yourself bringing about a change and going through a new process of rebirth.

Aquarius/Leo                  7th/1st house

7th house is relationships, any type of relations that you can think of even competitors also open contracts and marriage and the 1st house is anything about yourself, your ego your personality, anything about you. This maybe a new beginning in your relationship there could be new people coming into your life or maybe a new person. This could be some type of new relationship, it could bring about a marriage, a divorce something new having to do with you and another person.  This is a beginning of a new you.  You feel like shining now.  You may even feel like you are at the dawn of a new beginning.

Pisces/Virgo                  6th/12th house

6th house is work, health and daily routine and service to other and 12th house is things of the past, institutions, secrets, spirituality and karma.  This may be a new beginning for you around work, or health and diet routine or some new change in your daily routine.  You may have to perform some service or start some new service to help someone.  Maybe there is a service that has to do with some past situation or issue and its coming up again for you to clear it up and clean the slate for a new beginning in your life. It may have to do with your job if you are in a health career or maybe a new job offer. 

 Thanks to my daughter Amber Twyne for editing

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